What I Like About Mormons

DB Ryen

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints often aren't accepted by mainstream Christians because of their doctrinal differences. But the way they live out their faith has impressed me thoroughly time and again. 

[Keywords: Mormon, faith, life, family, brotherhood, volunteer, church, Bible, Christianity, differences, similarities]

Length: Short, 847 words

Finally, all of you, have unity of mind, sympathy, brotherly love, a tender heart, and a humble mind.

1 Peter 3:8

When I was going through medical school, two of my best friends – Glenn and Steve – were members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS). We all lived a stone’s throw away from each other in the university family housing complex. For those four years, we did everything together - studied, shared meals, played sports, laughed, and prayed. Our wives likewise formed an inseparable trio as all our kids played together.

Glenn and Steve wore their faith on their sleeve, but they never tried to “convert” me. We occasionally chatted about the differences in our faith, but always with the utmost love and respect for each other. As I got to know them, and even attended their church occasionally, I was thoroughly impressed by many aspects of how they (and Mormons in general) live out their faith.


Say what you will about Joseph Smith and the golden tablets, because where the rubber meets the road, Mormons are living out their faith in living color. I was repeatedly blessed and encouraged to live alongside Glenn and Steve and their families, and my wife and I were so thankful to attend LDS church functions with them. I’ll never forget the Valentines Day Dance they held in the gymnasium for married couples – super fun. I’ve never met a Mormon who wasn’t friendly and hospitable. And when we prayed together, it felt like I was approaching the Father alongside my brothers and sisters. 

I don’t know exactly where Mormons stand on faith in Jesus, but many of them display the fruit of the Spirit in spades. I think mainstream evangelical churches could learn a lot from them.

© D. B. Ryen Incorporated, October 2020.