Unlike the Pharisees, with their countless additional rules and traditions, the Sadducees were a political and religious party of Jews that rejected anything not taught directly in Moses’ Law. They also firmly believed there was no life, reward, or punishment after death. In fact, they denied the existence of angels, demons, or any spiritual world at all. Tradition held that they were descendants of Zadok the High Priest, who served under David and Solomon. Zadok was a descendant of Aaron, who was Moses’ brother and the first High Priest of Israel. The term “Sadducee” is derived from Zadok’s name. The Jewish historian Josephus records that Sadducees were among the most wealthy and prestigious of Judean society. They filled many roles in elite Jewish circles, primarily associated with Temple affairs. Sadducees acted as High Priests in Jerusalem’s Temple and held seats in the Sanhedrin, the Jewish high court. Along with judging legal matters, their political roles also included mediation with the Romans and tax collection. However, despite their position and influence, the Sadducees had a reputation for being corrupt.